Life after a Masters....

Life after finishing my masters in fine arts has been anything but settled. I had high hopes to continue my in-depth research, but many aspects of life have taken over and so far the reading has only amounted to reading and very little writing. I have managed to visit a few exhibitions ,with yet to record my thinking about them, and get involved with a few group shows. Two group shows that open this week are: print2print at Studio One in Ponsonby in Auckland (NZ). This is a group show by Auckland branch members of the Central print council. It opens tomorrow and runs

through till the 23rd april

It's A Colourful World I & II. Scrreenprint.2015. E Anderson

It's A Colourful World I & II by Elle Anderson 2015

These prints are 20x20cm (size was a condition of the show) and had to have a relationship to each other. The way the world looks at plants is often at opposite ends of the spectrum, which is what I am commenting on with these 2 small prints.

shows runs through till the 10th May 2015My lightbox Ethereal will be part of a group show at Nathan Homestead, called Image Streams. The opening will be on thursday 2 April. The


.ethereal.1 Ethereal by Elle Anderson 2014    

Posted by Elle Anderson

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